Personal and business legal solutions
Links - a helpful basic guide to a lot of legal issues. Having a read of this before you see a lawyer may help you better understand your legal issue and put you in a better position to discuss it with your lawyer. - this is the Consumer and Business Services website (previously the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs). This is a State government website that has information about running a small business, Births, Deaths and Marriages, consumer protection and real estate (including the new Retail and Commercial Leasing Guide). - if you're separating or getting a divorce, the family law section of this website provides a lot of useful information that will help you understand what's involved to resolve the legal issues you're facing (link opens in the family law section). and for all your accounting and financial planning needs.
The All Groups Consumer Price Index increase for Adelaide
from the December 2021 quarter to the December 2022 quarter was 8.6%
The CPI changes for the March 2023 quarter will be released on 26 April 2023.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
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